After completion, compare the program’s outcomes to its objectives. Identify areas where the program met or exceeded the objectives. Review areas where the program fell short of objectives and determine the cause. It might not be that the program failed, but that the objectives were not realistic. Also, evaluate whether the program ultimately meets the needs of your organization by comparing the outcomes to your internal goals and objectives.
Examples from Best Practice Profiles:
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (Education to Industry):
In the past three years alone, 13,515 students have earned NCCER credentials. The program’s success has been highlighted in the positive high school graduation rate – in 2012 94 percent of all North Carolina students enrolled in a CTE program graduated high school, compared to 80 percent of traditional students.
Craft Training Center of the Coastal Bend (Industry to Education):
5,189 students have earned NCCER credentials since CTCCB began delivering craft training, and 95-98 percent of graduating students are employed in the construction field.
Gaylor Electric (Industry to Education):
Gaylor has hired six students already and another ten are expected to be hired in May 2015. Gaylor expects the program to provide 50 new employees each year. By putting that many young people to work, Gaylor is not only establishing a new pipeline of qualified craft professionals to sustain its own workforce, but it is also ensuring the prosperity of the entire community.
Questions to Consider:
- What are the specific areas of success, and how can they be replicated?
- What did not meet expectations, and what action needs to be taken?
- Is the program meeting the overall established goals and objectives?
- Does this program continue to meet your needs? If not, what needs to change?
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